Geo Products
Geotextile membranes, gabion baskets, stormcrates and cellweb tree protection systems.

Geotextile Membrane (Woven)
Black woven Geotextile is made from extruded polypropylene tapes, which when tightly woven, produces a Geotextile with a high tensile strength & strong puncture resistance.

Geotextile Membrane (Non-Woven)
Non-Woven Geotextile Non-woven geotextile is made by needle punching and/or thermally bonding fibres together. This produces a strong geotextile: with very good drainage and filtration properties.
Applications: Drainage Filtration (french drains - soakaways) Separation.

Gabion Baskets
Gabions are wire, stone filled cages or mattresses that are used to retain or protect slopes for erosion e.g. along river banks. The gabion cages are manufactured with galvanised wire and usually assembled in modular form.

Polystorm Heavy Duty Soakaway Box - Polystorm domestic heavy duty soakaway box is 95% void and has a capacity of 190 litres. Boxes are supplied with connection clips & shear connectors. For trafficked applications boxes should be installed with a minimum of 900mm of cover, and at least 5m away from any building. We recommend that the boxes are wrapped in a geotextile fabric at least once, this will stop the surrounding sand/earth from entering the soakaway box.

Cellweb Tree Protection System
Tree Root Protection System - Cellweb Tree Root Protection System provides a flexible and permeable solution for protecting tree roots, creating a robust and stable platform for constructing vehicular access paths within the root protection area of existing trees.